Richard Hunn Association for Ch'an Study (UK)
Aims & Objectives
Ch'an Blog (釋大道)
Remembering Norwich Ch’an Association
Biography: Master Xu Yun (1840-1959)
Membership of RHACS
Ch'an Retreats
International Wisdom Society
Qianfeng Daoism
Moving beyond the Distortions of Modern Japanese Zen
Ch'an Dao Links:
RHACS is a founding member of:
International Ch'an Buddhism Institute (ICBI) - 国际禅佛学院
Charles Luk's Obituary
Richard Hunn's Obituary
The Ch'an Forum
Richard Hunn - Facebook
Ch'an Dao Gong Fu
Martial Discussion
Blog: Sangha Kommune
Zuo Ch'an Yi - (坐禅仪) Seated Meditation
How To Practice Ch'an Meditation
The Implications of Ch'an Meditation
The Hua Tou (話頭) Method
Master Ming Yi's Ch'an Experience at the Shaolin Temple
Abiding By The Rules Inside And Outside The Meditation Hall
Etymology of the Chinese Ideogram 'Ch'an' (禪) - Published in The Middle Way, Aug 2011
Natural Buddhist Martial Arts
Charles Luk's Translations
虛雲和尚年譜 (Xu Yun's Biography in Chinese)
Richard Hunn - Wikipedia
Contact us
Oxford (Kingston Bagpuize) Ch’an Week Retreat 15 – 22 August, 2014
Bodhimandalas arise anywhere…
Humans will make a place good
All corruption is banished,
And insight gained.
Essence of beauty
Essence of ugliness
At root
Where is the difference?
The forest on the hill
Mind and nature
Nature and mind
Non-dual spacious realisation
An Oxford Buddha
Glow of illumination.
Light abounds
Inside and out.
Ch’an at work
Is always still
Even when
Movement abounds!
Mind ground
All is useful
All is empty
Natural joy!
Moving Taijiquan
Encounters ‘still’ Taijiquan.
Stillness and movement
Perfectly entwined!
All begins
All ends
Time turns
The mind remains ‘still’…