The river flows on There is no worry Although there is movement All is still
Shi Da Dao
All night sat on the riverbank The fish come and go They are my friends Without words
Shi Da Dao
Two great masters Chen Tuan and Zhou Dun Yi ‘Taiji’ is conveyed From the distant past
Shi Da Dao
Young life Full of energy Greets the new day Love abounds…!
Shi Da Dao
Inner and outer No difference Breathing No movement
Shi Da Dao
Han Shan Rushing water Everyday Essence manifest
Shi Da Dao
No words Containing words What a predicament The Centre is free
Shi Da Dao
Wish fulfilling Gem No boundary Here or there Sublime!
Shi Da Dao
True Mind Reflecting all No Clutter No emptiness
Shi Da Dao
Cultivation of the mind Effort and direction The Pattern manifests Without effort
Shi Da Dao
Freedom in all directions Centre quiet and still Rooted to the ground Boundless Divine Sky!
Shi Da Dao
The Hermit’s hut Always present Never compromising Here, things happen…
Shi Da Dao
Higher vision Lower vision No difference Only balance
Shi Da Dao
Qi energy Here and there Pure and clean Ebb and flow…
Upasika Yuk Yern
Plants come from ground And return to it All supports all And there is no toppling!
Upasika Mei-an
Words and no words Here and now There and then All is free
Shi Da Dao
Still Samadhi Moving function Qi flows No barrier Ch’an
Shi Da Dao
Moon in a dew drop Dog ball in a river Mind ground Manifest…
Upasika Mei-an
It wasn’t Parr Cottage That made us feel good Nor the fish and wildlife Abundant in the woods It was something quite different from Eden you see Twas Xena’s lost ball shining luminously!
Diane Wyles
Beautiful dawn Meets the mind Splash The eternal fish
Shi Da Dao
No centre No periphery Inner and outer All is mind
Upasika Yuk Yern
Natural sitting Soft seat Peace Tranquillity
Shi Da Dao
Form and void Movement and stillness Centre beyond boundary Mind without care